0731-2387360, 9770907720 svcttindore@gmail.com
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Student Council

For conveying messages & information among students as well as for taking students supports for various curricular and co-curricular activities held within college premises, institute constitute student council every year.

Member of student council are ;

Student Name


Anjali Thakur


Nishtha Bajpai


Rahul Soni

Discipline Committee

Ritu Jain

Discipline Committee

Neelam Thakur

Curricular Committee Member

Priyanka Tak

Curricular Committee Member

Raja Bharti

Sport Committee Member


They are currently serving the institute as a in-charge of alumni association committee. The Convener shall convene a meeting of the committee at least twice in a year.

It offers opportunity for sharing work experience as well as arrangement of career counseling for alumni & college students. Beside this committee invites alumni for extension activities like conference & workshop etc.  94 alumni register themselves in committee.

SVCTT has established Alumni Association in keep the touch and make relations on February 2013.
The main objectives to establish the alumni association –

  1. To collect suggestions from students for betterment of institution.
  2. To solve the vocational and Educational problems of students.
  3. To develop and make relation between various groups of students.

Activities of Alumni Association

  1. Celebration of National days such as Independence days and republic days.
  2. Participation of Alumni’s in cultural and sports activities held by institute.
  3. Participation and co-operation of Alumni’s in guest lectures, Workshops, Seminars and Symposiums etc organized by institute.
  4. Provide supportive environment to students teachers in micro teaching and practice teaching by Alumni.

Committee Members of Alumni Association

      • Deepak Jahagirdar                  –           Convener
      • Mr. Jai Prakash Nagar             –           President (Alumni Association)
      • Mrs Durga Chouhan               –           Vice President
      • Mrs. Madhuri Mehta               –           Secretary
      • Mrs. Kanchan Rathore            –           Member
      • Mrs Shashi Bijwa                    –           Member


Dr. Shanti Tejwani

Sch. No. 71, Gumasta Nagar,
Indore - 452009 (M.P.)
email-id: svcttindore@gmail.com
Phone : 0731-2387360
Mobile : 94259-00024

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